GF gathers the geographies of strip-bar communities
Person constituted when acting within the circumstances of a closed framework: a bus, an exhibition, an organization, etc. it is there that the person's face can be shaped, as a shared fantasmatic figure. Pharmakis is somehow…
On 2/17/07, Gregorios Pharmakis wrote:
What I meant was the impossibility of constructing an evaluative speech on difference that can lead us to a concern. The hospi of the hospi-table seems crucial here, the…
Dear alain badiou,
We covered your lecture in athens on Being and Event. We will cut it into pieces and ask the people who were present to comment them. If you have in mind somebody to include in the commenters…
Construction of a plural person Gregorios pharmakis is constituted as a person when acting within the circumstances of a closed framework: a bus, an exhibition, an organization, etc. it is there that the person's face can be…
P H A R M A K I S u n i v e r s i t y platform is a project by Gregorios Pharmakis gathering different works done in the frame of existing public universities. the works accumulated here are done in the form of group…
Gregorios Pharmakis' congress project is focused on the act of documentation of the so called stable context of a congress. The stability here is guaranteed by a program of speakers who succeed one another in a specific presentation…
The parallel sitting condition is traditionally the position of people getting information in a university background. people are sitting in a parallel way in amphitheatres. This is the prototype of a university setting and this finds its…
gregorios pharmakis is an open identity formed by more than one collaborators. this plural person is conceived as a working team that uses the self's work to affirm its identity but this identity can never be shaped through any stable…
The name Gregorios Pharmakis is given in small unnamed passages in different cities.
Archeology of a lost community Gregorios Pharmakis collects elements about a lost parallel sitting community organized by car parking and common watching. An abandoned sex drive in cinema serves as an example.
Communal parallel views for anything concerning sex. This blog contains some links to project-blogs. It was left open to incoming spam messages from july 21 2006 to december 2 2006.
Arcade community Gregorios Pharmakis organizes repeated presences in the closed street arcade community, situated at Lycourgos Street in Athens.
Strategies in handling Gregorios Pharmakis identified here with the community created around handles in public transport or elsewhere. The invisible ghosts of these handle communities are to be shaped.
An image collection from the web. Gregorios Pharmakis collects images and names them balancing the circumstances of closed frameworks.
Cabin community Gregorios Pharmakis is the collective person in the telephone cabin no 020 7323 4089 chosen in Russel Square organised as a fantasmatic figure collecting and posting pieces of paper printed or not.
4 persons are here seated around a nonexistent table. We can see them talking, maybe one another. One cannot really hear the other but they keep talking. The hospitable table is here to interpret the forthcoming experience of university…
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2007 the statistic person statistics on visits impossible places invisible person POSTED BY GREGORIOS PHARMAKIS | 10:12 PM 0 DISCUSSION LINKS TO THIS POST