
Built Essay

Built Essay

A work of architecture and a construction on a published photograph

The discovery of a building's photograph led to some research and inaugurated a series of independed studies. It was a photograph by Serge Brison and depicted the exterior of a building designed by Joel Claisse. The work elaborates an attachment of the photograph to some theoretical processing which would be effected through design. The image was honoured but it might have been another one; the work of Claisse shown by Brison was used as the basis for "interpretation": new images, new designs and new buildings which would seem to have been spawned by the photograph. Upon coming across the printed image, which was not accompanied by further information on the building it depicted, I acted in the image's space in the way we think when we see a room and suddenly we get the idea to change the layout of the furniture.

The work was presented in the 9th biennale of Architecture, Venice, 2004 and published in the book Oral Architecture, Athens, Patakis, 2004. With the collaboration of Niki Dimopoulou.

Archis article

The find that was the starting point for a new architectonic elaboration: the image of a building. I only photocopied the image not the plans, in many exemplars and I worked on them using ink and correction fluid. Then I did some new plans of those possible monsters that were never my buildings.
